Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Logo

Local and Regional Policy Research and Application Center

About us

The aim of the center is to scientifically analyze and interpret economic and social developments at local and regional level, regional problems, and to produce new knowledge with an interdisciplinary approach in this field. To develop application models for this purpose, by continuously organizing programs apart from university’s educational and research academic programs and to contributes to the development of university’s  cooperation with the public, private sector, non-governmental organizations and international organizations through these programs.

The center makes studies in the following areas;

  1. To analyze and evaluate the information obtained from scientific publications, to transfer the produced knowledge, national and international scientific meetings and publications to the related person and public, to update the course materials and making use of them for similar purposes, developing the archives of metropolitan researches.
  2. To carry out researches about the problems of the settlements where the units of the university are located.
  3. To conduct research or participate in research works on the common problems of the environment.
  4. To produce joint projects together with related public and private sector institutions and organizations,
  5. To produce projects at local, regional, national and international levels
  6. To increase entrepreneurship, to improve employment opportunities, and to work on small and medium-sized enterprises and sectoral issues.
  7. To investigate the possibilities of cooperation with other national and international organizations in the related studies and to make joint studies, and to present research results to public and private sector institutions and researchers,
  8. To cooperate with the scientists who are interested in the center's study subjects,
  9. To prepare projects and cooperate with other institutions and research centers if needed during the implementation of these projects.
  10. To publish periodical and indefinite publications related to the field of study, to organize conferences, seminars and similar scientific meetings.
  11. To conduct studies on other issues to be determined by the Rector.