Faculty of Education

The importance and value of faculties of education rises day by day with their duties increasing as well, as we are aware of this fact, we are in effort of performing our duties better with every passing day.

Our faculty is continuing on enhancing their academic and technologic infrastructure with the aim of raising individuals who are confident, productive, questioning, who can express their thoughts and ensure a better future for us.

  • Guidance and Psychological Counselling  
  • Special Education Teaching  
  • Pre-School Teaching  
  • Primary School Teaching   
  • Turkish Language Teaching 
  • Arabic LanguageTeaching (30% Arabic)  
  • English Language Teaching


Faculty of Law

The aim of our faculty is to train our students to have the ability to think in the context of law, to bring fair solutions to ongoing and future legal issues and to make them gain the purpose to serve the society. İZÜ Faculty of Law, being compatible with our University’s purpose to become a university of researching, aims to secure justice, with a strong focus on researching 

  • Law

Faculty of Business and Management Sciences

Every department of our faculty offers a widely-spanning selection of courses, depending on the interests of students. Besides the university elective courses, about half of the 8 semester program consists of elective courses as department elective and general elective. The most important advantage for the students is that they can have a deep specialization if they take all the courses from their own departments, but also have the opportunity to easily apply to minor or double major programs if they take lessons from the departments they are interested in or outside the faculty.

  • Economy (30% English
  • Islamic Economics and Finance
  • Islamic Economics and Finance (English)
  • Business (30% English)
  • International Trade and Finance

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

The aim of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences,- which started its education in 2011-2012 academic year- is, to cultivate engineers that have a technical and scientific expertise who can keep up with the globalizing world, compete in national and international markets, form high quality and technology based initiatives.

  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering (30% English)
  • Industrial Engineering (30% English)
  • Food Engineering
  • Food Engineering(English)
  • Architecture
  • Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
  • Software Engineering (30% English)

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Humanities and social sciences are formed of multiple disciplines that studies the different aspects and dimensions of social, political and cultural life in the context of individuals.

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is established to provide training and research in subjects that are relevant to people, society and politics from a multi-disciplinary perspective.  Programs are designed with a priority of being student-centered.

  • Psychology
  • Psychology (English)
  • Political Science and International Relations (English)
  • Sociology (30% English)
  • History

Faculty of Health Sciences

The aim of the Faculty of Health Sciences is to provide education and training opportunities for our students to become health professionals who can work for the protection of the health of the individual and the society, who can be participate in interdisciplinary teamwork in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases, who can respect legal, ethical and professional values, who are able to analyze the current trends and requirements in health services and who can apply their education into practice, with the help of modern information and Technologies.

  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Nursing
  • Healthcare Management
  • Social Services

The Faculty of Islamic Sciences

Main objectives of our faculty include providing new expressions for the universal, permanent, cultural and Islamic values through the experiences we had, developing a language and discourse that can understand and explain the problems faced by man in the process of searching a meaning and produce reliable humanitarian solutions to these problems.

  • Islamic Sciences (30% Arabic)