Academic Visibility

Academic Visibility

  • How can I increase my academic visibility?
  • I need more resources about my research subject.
  • Why are the Open Science and the Open Access important?
  • How can I increase my number of citations?
  • I want to be informed instantly from the citations I received.
  • I want to get information about the journal that I intend to publish my research.
  • Why is the institution of co-research authors important?
  • I have profiles on many academic platforms and it is difficult to manage them.
  • Why should I get ORC-ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)?
  • I greatly exaggerate creating a bibliography.
  • What should I be careful about for plagiarism?
  • I become lost among the “search engine” results.
  • How can I get much more and more reliable scientific information?
  • For millions of theses, articles, books, conference papers and more, please visit the library or fill in this form.

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IZU Libraries Team