Haberler & Duyurular

International Conference on Islamophobia

4/25/2018 2:50:29 PM

The Center for Islam and Global Affairs at IZU organized a major international conference on Islamophobia on April 6-8, 2018....

Changes in Library Working Hours

3/9/2018 7:59:03 AM


"Islam and Modern Psychology" Conference Was Held

2/27/2018 10:37:56 AM

The "Islam and Modern Psychology" Conference was held at the ISEFAM Conference Hall on Friday, February 16, 2018 at 10:00 hosted by İstanbul...

Sultan Abdülhamid II Conference at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University on the 100th Anniversary of his Death

2/26/2018 9:32:31 AM

Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Writers Union of Turkey and Educators trade union commemorated Sultan Abdulhamid II on the 100th annive...

TUBITAK Success of IZU Students

2/20/2018 7:30:03 AM

Results of the 11th term of 2017 "Support for 2209-B Industrialization-based Research Projects" were announced by TÜBİTAK....

Malaysian Education Minister Idris Jureh at IZU

2/15/2018 2:07:04 PM

Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bulut welcomed Malaysian Education Minister Idris Jureh and his delegation at the IZU. Malaysian Minister of Educati...

Visiting IZU From Gaza Islamic University

2/6/2018 2:06:44 PM

Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Vice Rector Professor Doctor Arif Ersoy welcomed the delegation of Gaza Islamic University....

Support from TUBITAK to the projects of IZU

2/1/2018 6:18:51 AM

Scientific and Technological Research Projects Support the Program, the evaluation results of the second semester of 2017 were announced....

New Agreements with the Leading Universities of the USA from IZU

1/18/2018 9:00:00 PM

Mehmet Bulut, Rector of Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, has made a series of visits to the United States for bilateral cooperation agre...

Cooperation Agreement between Alinaelain University of Sudan and IZU

1/16/2018 9:00:00 PM

Rector of Sudan's Alneelain University Kamal Hashim Mohamed Osman met with Rector Mehmet Bulut of Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University....