To the Attention of Students Who are in the Stage of Doctoral Dissertation Monitoring/Proposal

The dissertation proposal defenses/dissertation monitoring meetings for the Spring Semester of the 2022-2023 academic year must be held by the end of working hours on Friday, at the latest, June 30, 2023. Students who miss this deadline will be considered unsuccessful in their dissertation proposals/dissertation monitoring stage.

The thesis monitoring documents of doctoral students in the spring semester must be submitted to the Graduate Education Institute by the Head of the Department by Wednesday, July 05, 2023, at the latest.


  1. The dissertation monitoring committee meets at least twice a year, once each between January-June and July-December.
  2. The student submits a written report to the committee members at least one month before the meeting date. In this report, the summary of the studies carried out so far and the study plan to be carried out in the next period are indicated. The student's dissertation study is determined by the committee as successful or unsuccessful.
  3. A student who is found unsuccessful two times in a row or three times intermittently by the committee is disenrolled from the University.
  4. The thesis monitoring report and minutes must be submitted by the thesis supervisors to the Graduate Education Institute with the approval of the Head of the Department through the EBYS system. The supervisors from outside IZU, must contact the relevant Head of the Department to submit the documents of their students.
  5. Doctoral students who have successfully completed the courses, seminars, and at least three dissertation monitoring meetings within their deadlines, have a weighted grade point average of 3.0 and above, and meet the publication requirement can take the dissertation defense exam.

According to IZU Graduate Education and Training Regulations;

Dissertation Proposal Defense

ARTICLE 23 - (1) The student, who successfully completes the Ph.D. qualifying exam, defends the dissertation proposal, which includes the purpose, method, and study plan of the research to be carried out, in front of the dissertation monitoring committee, within six months at the latest. The student delivers a written report on the dissertation proposal to the committee members at least fifteen days before the oral defense.

(2) The dissertation monitoring committee makes the decision on acceptance, correction, or rejection of the dissertation proposal submitted by the student with an absolute majority. One month is given for correction. At the end of this period, the decision made in the direction of acceptance or rejection by an absolute majority is notified to the Institute by the head of the department, with a report within three days following the end of the process.

(3) The student whose dissertation proposal is rejected has the right to choose a new supervisor and/or dissertation subject. In this case, a new dissertation monitoring committee able to be appointed. The student who wants to continue the program with the same supervisor is taken to the dissertation proposal defense again within three months, and the student who changed the supervisor and the dissertation subject within six months. The student whose dissertation proposal is also rejected in this defense is disenrolled from the University. The time elapsed in these stages is counted from the duration of the student's doctoral education.

Dissertation Monitoring Meetings

ARTICLE 23 - (4) For the student whose thesis proposal is accepted, the thesis monitoring committee meets at least twice a year, once in January-June and once in July-December. The student submits a written report to the committee members at least one month before the meeting date. In this report, a summary of the study done so far and the study plan for the next semester are stated. The student's thesis study is determined as successful or unsuccessful by the committee. Students who are found unsuccessful by the committee twice in a row or three times intermittently are dismissed from the University.

(5) The student who does not take the dissertation proposal defense within the time specified in the first paragraph without an acceptable excuse is considered unsuccessful, and the thesis proposal is rejected.