Dear PhD Students,
Students who wish to apply for the PhD qualifying exam to be held in the fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year are required to fill in the application form below on the computer between 25 October-05 November 2021 and apply to the Graduate Education Institute.
Doctoral Qualifying Exams will be held in December 2021 on a date to be determined by the relevant Department Heads.
How the exams will be conducted will be announced later on.
- Students who have completed their courses and seminars, have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.00 and have fulfilled their Foreign Language Proficiency may apply for the doctoral proficiency exam.
- Students who are accepted with a master's degree have to take the doctoral qualifying exam by the end of the fifth semester at the latest, following the relevant regulations.
- In order for students to take the Doctoral Proficiency Exam, they must have a thesis advisor and choose the "PhD Proficiency Exam" section from the address
- Students who have not applied for the Doctoral Proficiency Exam in the spring semester of the 2020-2021 academic year or failed the exam must re-apply on the specified dates. Students who do not apply will be deemed unsuccessful and will disenroll from the University.
- Click here for the post-exam processes of students who have passed the doctoral qualifying exam.
You can download the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Application form from the link below.