English Placement Test Results (September 27, 2021)


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Students with CEFR Level B2 and C1 or above are eligible to take the English Proficiency Exam to be administered face to face on September 27, 2021. These students must be at the Halkalı Campus, School of Languages Building on September 29 at 10:00 a.m. This exam will not be repeated and there is no makeup for it. Students who do not take the proficiency exam on the given date will continue English Preparatory education at B2 LEVEL or at C1 level provided that at least 20 students want to study at C1 level.

Our students with a lower level will start their English education at their current level. The course schedule of these students will be published on our website announcements on Sunday, October 3 at the latest. These students will study 60% of the lessons face-to-face  at Halkalı Campus Language School and 40% online.
The list is ordered by Family Name.

Click for list