Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University is a non-profit foundation university. It is a type of university that is funded by charity and student fee. Therefore, students are required to pay for tuition prior to start of classes each semester. Accepted applicant are required to pay the tuition fee for enrollment. This page explains important information regarding payment of fees and scholarship.
Tuition Fees
The standart tuition fee of Undergraduate programs for the 2024-2025 Academic Year is $ 7.000 (VAT included) per year for students from both Türkiye and all over the world.
Tuition fees according to the scholarship opportunities provided by our university to its students;
2024-2025 Academic Year Annual Tuition Fees for International Students |
Scholarship amount |
Tuition Fee + VAT |
No scholorship |
$ 7.000 |
25% Scholarship |
$ 5.250 |
50% Scholarship |
$ 3.500 |
100% Scholarship |
$ 0 |
The tuition fees and scholarships mentioned above are also valid for the 2024-2025 Language Preparatory School.
International students can choose to pay the tuition either for a year (advance payment) or for a semester (half of the fees). You are required to present the proof of payment (at least half of the total amount) at registration. Therefore, the payment is due before the end of the registration period. The remaining is to be paid before course registration of the second semester.
Note that the scholarship is a tuition waiver. If you have a certain rate of scholarship, the university subsidizes your tuition cost. It does not cover any other expense. You should bear in mind the living and course equipment expenses before accepting the offer from IZU.
Students can pay in maximum of two installments only if not advance payment. Half of the tuition fees, at least, must be paid prior to enrolment, the remaining is to be paid before course registration of the second semester.
It is important to note that IZU does not accept cash payments, due to security and insurance reasons.
To make the payment, the student can either transfer money to the university bank account, which information is below, or they can go directly to any KuveytTürk Bank branch and request a money transfer.
Remember to include "Name-Surname, Passport No, Undergraduate Tuition Fee" in the payment description. Otherwise, your payment will be disregarded as an unidentified transfer.
In case you have a Republic of Turkey identity number, you can make the tuition payment in 10 installments at the bank. In other words, the bank pays to the university, and you pay the bank in installments.
Bank Account
Bank Account (USD Account)
Bank Name: alBaraka Turk Bank
IBAN Number: TR40 0020 3000 0123 5513 0000 09
Swift Code: BTFHTRIS
Bank Account (USD Account)
Bank name: Kuveyt Turk Bank
IBAN Number: TR08 0020 5000 0083 3555 8001 01
Swift Code: KTEFTRIS
Scholorship / Discount Directive
Benefiting from Scholarships
A student can only benefit from one scholarship. A student who is entitled to receive more than one scholarship or discount (excluding sibling discounts, scholarships given in cash or in kind, etc.) will only benefit from the highest one. However, this provision does not apply to scholarships awarded with the decision of the scholarship Committee. No faculty or department is given priority in determining the students who will benefit from the university's scholarships.
University Scholarship Committee
The University Scholarship Committee is formed by the Board of Trustees in order to evaluate the scholarships in this section and make the necessary decisions. The committee consists of at least three members other than the president and the Head of the Health, Culture, and Sports Department.
Academic Success Scholarship
This is a scholarship given to students to award their academic success for the next academic year. Student Affairs determines the students entitled to receive this scholarship at the end of each academic year and notifies the Rectorate. Students do not need to submit a petition to obtain it. This extra discount is applied over the remaining tuition fee the student must pay to the University (if the student has 50% scholarship, then this academic scholarship is applied to the remaining 50% needs to be paid).
A 100% additional discount is given for the first, 75% for the second and 50% for the third student among the class's top three students who fit the criteria below.
(1) Succeeded all the compulsory and elective courses shown in the curriculum until the academic success grade is calculated.
(2) Have a weighted grade point average (WGPA) of at least 3.40
(3) Among the top three students in the class (including full scholarship students)
(4) It is given only during the normal education period,
Important Notes:
a) Academic success scholarships are not given in foreign language preparatory classes,
b) Students who have an exemption course in the year whose academic success grade is calculated cannot benefit from this scholarship but are included in the success ranking. (Except for the courses for which exemption exam is given by the university and the courses taken in national or international exchange programs),
c) Students who freeze their registration in the year for which their academic achievement grade is calculated, who are on leave, or who do not renew their registration cannot benefit from the Academic Success Scholarship.
d) Grades taken in the summer school of the relevant academic year are not taken into account in the calculation of the academic achievement grade,
e) Students who receive disciplinary punishment cannot benefit from this scholarship (except for warning and reprimand),
f) If the grade point average is equal, priority is given to the students with more ECTS credits, if it is still equal, priority is given to the younger student.
g) Academic Success Scholarship of students who transfer to another undergraduate program within the institution is terminated.
h) Students who have previously graduated from any higher education institution with a bachelor's degree cannot benefit from this scholarship, but these students are included in the success ranking.
i) Irregular students cannot benefit from this scholarship until they become regular students.
Scholarship Request
(1) Students who want to apply for the scholarships fill out the Scholarship Application Form with the requested documents, and submit it to the Health, Culture and Sports Presidency.
(2) The Department of Health, Culture and Sports collects the scholarship requests of the students and sends them to the University Scholarship committee for evaluation. The Committee examines and evaluates the applications and sends its decisions to the Rectorate for approval.
(3) Financial Affairs Department, the Health, Culture and Sports Department and the Student Affairs Department are notified regarding the final approved decision.
Sports Scholarship
(1) Sports scholarship is given to the students at our university who meet at least one of the conditions stated below:
- Athletes participating in the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, and Youth Olympics can receive a 100% discount on their tuition fees as long as they are active, licensed athletes in their respective fields.
- Athletes who participated in European and World Championship finals in the Seniors, Hopes, and Juniors categories of the Olympic and Paralympic sports branches, as well as the World and European Cup finals held by the sports branches in the World and European Championships in the categories of adults, hopes, youth and stars, are eligible for a 100% discount on the tuition fee as long as they remain licensed athletes in the relevant branch.
- An athlete who receives a medal in the International University Summer Games (Universiade), the World Winter Games World Championships, or the European University Games organized by the International University Sports Federation or the European University Sports Association can receive a 100% discount on the tuition fee.
- Athletes who win a medal at the Mediterranean Games, the Islamic Games, the Balkan Championships, or an international competition where at least 15 countries' athletes and at least eight countries' teams participate in team sports, can receive a 100% discount on tuition fee they have to pay.
- Those who have been in the national team in the last three years participated in official competitions and continued to be licensed in the relevant branch, and athletes holding a Nationality A or Class B passport can be offered a 90% discount on their tuition fee for as long as they are part of our school team in their relevant field.
- As long as they are in the school team of our University in the relevant branch, those who are in the A team or Paf/Youth teams of the Super League, 1st or 2nd League teams, and whose license is still valid, and who take part in official competitions can receive an additional 50% discount. Students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences and those with a sports license and who take part in official competitions can receive a 25% discount on the tuition fee they must pay as long as they are on the school team of our University.
- Those who got to be among the top three individuals or teams in the last three years in Turkey Interclub Championships and Turkey High School Championships can receive a discount on the tuition fees they must pay as long as they are in the relevant school team of our University;
50% to first-place athletes
40% to second-place athletes
30% for third-placed athletes
- Those who take part in the school teams of our university and become the champions in the highest category of the Interuniversity Championships coordinated by the Interuniversity Sports Federation, individually or as a team, can receive a discount of up to 30% of the tuition fee they must pay.
(2) The Sports Scholarship is awarded for one year, whether the scholarship will continue in the following years and its rate is decided by the University Scholarship Commission, considering the student's continuation of the conditions for obtaining a scholarship and their success. Scholarships are awarded for the following academic year if the required conditions are met. This scholarship continues during the normal education of the students.
(3) The sports scholarship ends in the following cases;
- Student's WGPA falls below 2.00 in the relevant academic year,
- Receiving a disciplinary penalty, (excluding warning and reprimand),
- Leaving the University team voluntarily or being excluded from the team by the manager or coach due to indiscipline, lack of performance or permanent disability,
- Failure to maintain the success that qualifies for the scholarship,
- In case of internal or external transfer,
Art Scholarship
(1) Awarded to students who have won the first place in international competitions in fine arts.
(2) For which branches of art and in what amount/rate and whether it will continue next year is determined by the proposal of the University Scholarship Commission and the approval of the Board of Trustees.
This scholarship is terminated if the student transfers within or outside the Institution.
Accommodation Scholarship
(1) Accommodation scholarship provides students with the opportunity to accommodate at the university dorms for free or for a partial fee, depending on their needs and success. Students who want to apply for the Guesthouse Scholarship complete the Scholarship Application Form and add the requested documents. The applications are evaluated by the Board of Directors of the Guesthouses and its decision is submitted to the Rectorate.
(2) Students who benefit from accommodation scholarship and who are punished with Temporary Suspension or Final Dismissal in accordance with the guesthouse’s directive, lose this right as of the date of disciplinary punishment.
(3) Those who have previously graduated from any higher education institution with a bachelor's degree cannot benefit from the scholarship.
(4) This scholarship is terminated if the student transfers within or outside the Institution.
Support Scholarship/ Stipend
The University Scholarship Committee can give support scholarships by examining the financial situation of students who apply for it at the beginning of each academic year. The stipend is in cash, valid for one academic year only, and is given to the student monthly for nine months. Support scholarship applications can be renewed every academic year.
Sibling and Spouse Discount
Every sibling and spouse studying at the same level major diploma programs at our university receives a 10% discount on the tuition fee they have to pay. This discount is valid as long as the students are studying at the same time. Students who are entitled to receive both sibling and spouse scholarships at the same time can benefit from only one of these scholarships.
To be able to reflect the fees of your sibling or spouse discount to the tuition fee, you need to submit a petition to the General Secretariat with documents, proving your relationship. Submission should be done during the registration and before making a payment. The petition should be given to Office Records and Correspondence. A copy of the passport must be attached to the petition for the sibling discount. However, the documents which indicate that they are married (marriage certificate etc.), must be added to the petition for the spouse discount.
Note: Applications submitted after the registration date will be taken into consideration starting from the next academic year.
Staff Scholarships
(1) 60% discount on the tuition fee to be paid for the staff working at our University if they enrol in our University's graduate program.
(2) An additional 40% discount is given to the spouses and children of the staff who have completed one year working at our University.
(3) This discount is applied as long as the staff continues to work at our University.
Waqf Scholarship
(1) 50% discount on tuition fees for the administrative staff of Ilim Yayma Waqf or any educational institution affiliated to it when they enrol in the graduate programs of our University, by submitting a work document from the and a SGK service statement obtained from the E-Government system.
(2) An additional 25% discount on tuition fees for spouses and children of the administrative staff of Ilim Yayma Waqf or any educational institution affiliated to it when they enrol in the graduate programs of our University, by submitting a work document from the and a SGK service statement obtained from the E-Government system.
(3) Students who have graduated from schools affiliated with Ilim Yayma Waqf receive an additional discount (15% for completing 3 years, 25% for completing 6 years, 30% for completing 8 years in these schools) on the tuition fees to be paid to the University in case of enrolment.
(4) Those who have been living in dormitories of the İlim Yayma Vakfı and İlim Yayma Cemiyeti for (1) one full year during "Secondary Education" or "University Preparation" receive an additional 25% over the tuition fee in case of enrolment and submitting a proofing document.
(5) The duration of the scholarships defined in the second, third and fourth paragraphs of this article; six (6) years for students who will attend the compulsory language preparatory class, and five (5) years for other students.
(6) This scholarship is terminated in case of program changing.
Special Scholarships
(1) Individuals and legal entities who wish to donate to our University can provide conditional or unconditional scholarships on behalf of themselves and their living or deceased relatives. The decision of the University Scholarship Committee determines the students to whom these scholarships will be awarded.
(2) Those who have an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma grade of 34 and above receive a 25% discount in addition to the current discount.
Sponsored Students
Where a student provides a valid sponsor letter at registration from an external corporate body agreeing to pay tuition fees, the invoice will be provided to the student and payment of the invoice is due immediately. A student who is sponsored by a friend of relative will be regarded as responsible for their own fees. In the event of non-payment of part of all fees by the sponsoring organization, the outstanding amount will be invoiced to the student.