Under the decision of the IZU Senate dated 18.09.2017 and numbered 2017/21; Students enrolling in master's and doctoral programs with a thesis as of the spring semester of the 2017-2018 academic year must meet the following conditions before entering the thesis defense exam.
1. Students enrolled in the Master Programs must meet at least one of the following conditions before the thesis defense exam to graduate.
- Paper presented at national or international scientific meetings,
- An article published in a refereed / indexed journal accepted for publication or with a DOI number,
- Paper presented at symposiums organized by IZU in the fields of Social Science / Science.
2. Students enrolled in doctoral programs must meet at least one of the following conditions before the thesis defense exam to graduate.
- Two papers presented at national or international scientific meetings,
- An article published in a refereed / indexed journal accepted for publication or with a DOI number,
- Two papers were presented at the symposiums to be organized by IZU in the fields of Social Science /Science.
- The publication should be related to the student's thesis topic or a topic related to the department.
- Publications must be approved by the thesis advisor.
- Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University should be mentioned as the institutional affiliation in the publication.
- Each publication belongs to only one student. It is not accepted for more than one student to come together and publish an article.