The student who wishes to disenroll from the University should apply with his / her own request letter and attached form for disenrollment to the institute directorate.
Registration cannot be done by mail. The student must apply with a written request. However, in special cases that the financial obligations are fulfilled, a surrogate determined by the student with a notary channel may be disenrolled from the University.
Request Letter for diserollment of Master's and Doctorate programs.
The refund and / or deduction of the tuition fee for the disenrolling student is done as follows.
• For the tuition fee of the student who disenrolls before the start date specified in the academic calendar, the value added tax paid that is charged due to invoices is collected, the rest of the money would be either refunded or canceled.
• Students who decide to disenroll within the first two (2) weeks of the first semester are subject to a 15% deduction from the tuition fee.
Deduction Rate for MS w/o Thesis
Deduction Rate for MS w/ Thesis
Deduction Rate for PhD programs
From the third week of the 1st semester
For the time until 2nd semester
Time between 2nd -3rd Semester (Start of 4th semester
Time between 3rd and 4th semester
Whole amount
Time between 4th and 5th semester
Whole amount
Time after 5th semester
Whole amount
• For the student who disenrolls after the first two (2) weeks of the first semester, the tuition fee deducted is decided from the rates specified in the table below.