Frequently Asked Questions

Students are required to attend 70% of the courses in order to take the exams.

In case of any valid reason, graduate students can freeze up to two semesters and PhD students can freeze up to four semesters during the duration of their education with the recommendation of the department head and the decision of the institute board.

The justification of any valid reason is subject to the condition of being notified to the institute directorate at the latest one month after the occurrence of this reason.

Registration freeze applications are made at the beginning of the semester and within one month at last.

The freezed semester of the student is not included in the whole education period. The same process for freeze can be repeated again.

Click for the form.

The student who wishes to disenroll from the University should apply  with his / her own  request letter and attached form for disenrollment  to the institute directorate.

Registration cannot be done by mail. The student must apply with a written request. However, in special cases that the financial obligations are fulfilled, a surrogate determined by the student with a notary channel may be disenrolled from the University.

Request Letter for diserollment of Master's and Doctorate programs.

The refund and / or deduction of the tuition fee for the disenrolling student is done as follows.

• For the tuition fee of the student who disenrolls before the start date specified in the academic calendar, the value added tax paid that is charged due to invoices is collected, the rest of the money would be  either refunded or canceled.

• Students who decide to disenroll within the first two (2) weeks of the first semester are subject to a 15% deduction from the tuition fee.


Deduction Rate for MS w/o Thesis

Deduction Rate for MS w/ Thesis

Deduction Rate for PhD programs

From the third week of the 1st semester




For the time until 2nd semester




Time between 2nd -3rd Semester (Start of 4th semester




Time between 3rd and 4th semester

Whole amount



Time between 4th and 5th semester


Whole amount


Time after 5th semester



Whole amount

• For the student who disenrolls after the first two (2) weeks of the first semester, the tuition fee deducted is decided from the rates specified in the table below.

A request is made to the institute directorate by the student within five days following the announcement of the exam grades.

Students who have studied at any other higher education institution which is accepted as equivalent by YÖK may request exemption from the higher education institution for the courses he / she has succeeded with applying to the institute together with the original document and course contents.

- The student must apply for exemption in the first semester of his / her university registration within five days from the beginning of the courses.

- Requests for exemption requests in the following semesters or the cancellation of exemption / adjustment procedures are not accepted.

- No refunds / rebates (except for the courses taken in IZU) for given courses. But; The fees of the courses / courses that are exempted from the Scientific Preparation Programs are deducted from the tuition fees of the master / doctorate programs.

The period to be spent in the scientific preparation program is maximum two semesters.- Summer education is not included in this period. This period cannot be extended outside the freezed registration and the student who is not successful at the end of this time is dismissed.- The time spent during this duration is not included in the master's or doctoral program periods.- Students who take the courses within the scope of the Scientific Preparatory Program will not be refunded in the case of disenrollment.

Theses are written in Turkish or English for Graduate Programs in Turkish. Theses are written in turkish or related language for programs in partially foreign languages- It is written in the language of the program in the programs which are in a complete foreign language.

Enter the campus information system and click to disenrollment. After the relevant units have approved your disenrollment, the approval will be shown under the details ,you need to print the approval documents and sign it. Afterwards apply to Institute Secretary after signing the document.

Note: Those who have received the Temporary Certificate of Graduation must return the original of this document while receiving the diploma. Temporary Graduation Certificate is not issued as of 2020-2021 Spring semester. Certificate of Graduation is obtained through e-Devlet.

If the student can not complete the program successfully within the normal education period, he / she can apply for the Institute Directorate and request additional time by paying one (1) course fee determined by IZU for the related semester.

The duration of the program with thesis is four semesters and is completed in a maximum of six semesters, starting from the semester in which the program is offered. These durations are determined regardless of whether the student has registered for each semester and the time spent for scientific preparation is not included.

The thesis advisor must be determined by the end of the first semester at the latest.

Master's Thesis Advisor Request Form

Upon the written application of the student and / or the advisor, the consultant switch can be made with the proposal of the head of the department and the approval of the board of directors of the institute. The switch must be approved by the new advisor.

Supervisor Change Form

- Master's Program with Thesis: To complete the courses and seminars successfully, to have a weighted grade point average of 2.50 and above and to pass the thesis exam,

Students enrolled in the graduate program must fulfill at least one of the following requirements to graduate.

1. A paper presented at national or international scientific meetings,

2. An article published in the refereed / indexed journal, accepted for publication or a DOI number,

3. A paper presented at the symposiums organized by IZU in the field of Social Sciences or Science.

The student should determine their thesis topic by the end of the second semester at the latest

Master's Thesis Subject Notification Form

The duration of the non-thesis program is at least 2 semesters and is completed in a maximum of three semesters, starting from the semester in which the program is offered. These durations are determined regardless of whether the student has registered for each semester and the time spent for scientific preparation is not included.

At latest, the project advisor must be determined by the end of the first semester.

Graduate Project Advisor Request Form


Upon the written application of the student and / or the advisor to the institute, the advisor change can be made with the proposal of the department head and with the approval of the institute board. For the change of advisor, the approval of the old and new advisor must be obtained.

Master Project Supervisor Change Form


Master Program without Thesis: To complete the courses with credits and term project successfully and to have a weighted grade point average of 2.50 and above,

Graduates of the Master's Program without Thesis cannot apply for PhD programs. However, students who are enrolled in graduate programs without a thesis or who have graduated before the date of 6/2/2013 can apply to doctorate programs.

Except for the time taken in the scientific preparation program, for those admitted with a master's degree with thesis, starting from the semester of the courses for which the program is registered, regardless of whether they have registered for each semester or not, the maximum completion time is twelve semesters; the maximum completion period is fourteen semesters for people accepted with undergraduate degree.

The thesis advisor must be determined by the end of the second semester at the latest.

PhD Thesis Advisor Request Form

Upon the written application of the student and / or the advisor, the consultant switch can be made with the proposal of the head of the department and the approval of the board of directors of the institute. The switch must be approved by the new advisor.

Doctoral Thesis Advisor Change Form

To complete the courses and seminars with success, to have a score of at least 3.0 out of the overall GPA and to be successful in the thesis exam.

Students enrolled in the graduate program must fulfill at least one of the following requirements to graduate.

1. A paper presented at national or international scientific meetings,

2. An article published in the refereed / indexed journal, accepted for publication or a DOI number,

3. A paper presented at the symposiums organized by IZU in the field of Social Sciences / Physcial (Natural?) Science.

The student who is accepted to the PhD program with a master's degree must take the qualifying exam at the end of the fifth semester at latest and the student who has been accepted with a bachelor's degree must take the qualifying exam until the end of the seventh semester at the latest.

The student who fails the PhD qualifying exam must take the exam again in the next semester from the courses they have failed. Students who fail this next exam will be dismissed from the doctoral program.

The student who successfully completes the doctoral qualifying exam,  defends the thesis by covering the purpose, method and study plan of the research that was carried out in the past 6 months before the thesis committee.

The thesis monitoring committee gathers twice a year for the accepted student.

The student submits a written report to the committee members at least one month before the gathering date. This report outlines the work done so far and the work plan to be made in the next period. The student's thesis work is determined by the committee as pass or fail. Students who fail two or three times in a row  are dismissed from the University.

In order for the student to finalize their thesis, three thesis monitoring committee reports must be submitted, at least six months apart, which must result in "pass". If the thesis follow-up is not done in a timely manner, the student will fail the result of the thesis follow-up.

The student whose thesis proposal is rejected has the right to choose a new advisor and / or thesis topic. In this case, a new thesis monitoring committee may be appointed. The student who wants to continue the program with the same adviser is required to the prepare their thesis proposal within three months, and the student who changes their adviser and the thesis subject is required to prepare their thesis proposal within six months. Students whose thesis proposal is rejected in this defense will be dismissed from the University. The periods spent in these stages are counted in the student's Ph.D education period.

The thesis proposal is rejected without any valid excuse for the proposal of the thesis proposal and the student who does not attend the doctoral proficiency exam within six months at the latest is considered unsuccessful.

The student whose thesis proposal is rejected has the right to choose a new advisor and / or thesis topic. In this case, a new thesis monitoring committee may be appointed. The student who wants to continue the program with the same adviser is required to the prepare their thesis proposal within three months, and the student who changes their adviser and the thesis subject is required to prepare their thesis proposal within six months. Students whose thesis proposal is rejected in this defense will be dismissed from the University. The periods spent in these stages are counted in the student's Ph.D education period.

  1. For the student who is successful in the doctoral proficiency exam, the Thesis review committeeis appointed by the head of the department within a month. Students informed by the Institute Secretariat about members of Thesis Review committee.
  2. Student who pass the doctoral proficiency exam shall defend verballyhis/her thesis proposal which covers objectives, methods and study plan within the least 6 months. The student submits a written report about the thesis proposal to the thesis committee members at least fifteen days before the verbal defense. (Click for Thesis Proposal Writing Guide.)
  3. Thesis review committee decide by simple majority on acceptance, refusal or correction of thesis. Correction period is one month maximum. The decision of acceptance or rejection shall be notified to the Institute by the Head of Department within three days following the completion of the procedure. (Click for PhD Thesis Proposal Defense Form)
  4. Student whose thesis proposal is rejected have the right to choose a new advisor and thesis subject. In this case, a new Thesis Review Committee may be appointed. Students who wish to continue the program with the same thesis supervisor shall defend their thesis proposal again within 3 months. The student who changes his / her supervisor and his / her thesis subject, defends the thesis proposal again within six months.Student whose thesis is rejected in this defence too ,will be disconnect from the university.
  5. The student who does not come without a valid excuse for the thesis proposal defense is considered unsuccessful and the thesis proposal is rejected. The 4th article is applied for the rejected student.
  6. Student whose thesis proposal is accepted shall submit least 3 thesis review committee report to Institıute Secretariat.(with 6 months intervals) (Click here for the PhD Thesis Review Report.) If the thesis review procedures is not done in time, students will be evaluated unsuccessful. Students who evaluated unsuccessful by the committee 2 times in a row or totally 3 times will be dismissed from the university.