The knowledge transfer and research results in higher education are closely related to the production of a Master's and Doctorate thesis. In that sense, one of the fundamental responsibilities of the graduate student’s academic supervisors at a university is to guide properly students during their research and writing process, make the academic output turn into a product. Supervision is to contribute not only to the transfer of the research results but also at the same time to create an education modelling in the name of supervisor-student relation. That is why in the academic field, whether in masters or doctorate, for creating a successful thesis, academic supervision is of crucial importance. Moreover, academic supervision is highly contributing both to the education system and the professional and personal development of the owner of the thesis. Thus, selection of thesis supervisor and supervision period is extremely important because with their knowledge, experience, feedback, and vision, thesis supervisors help, becomes a pathfinder, and a guide to their thesis students to search and write a successful thesis. Regarding, it is vital to abide by the principles about thesis supervision below for the success of the theses written in the departments related to our institute.
- The supervisor is primarily responsible for being a pathfinder and a guide in the processes which are required for a successful product by determining the subject of the thesis, conducting the research, collecting and analysing the data, and writing in accordance with the Institute's thesis writing rules.
- The thesis subject and the supervisor’s professional field should be relevant.
- The supervisor should have enough competence to guide students research and should have enough knowledge of the thesis subject.
- The supervisor should put their attention to the students from the beginning of the thesis and should consider the student’s interests and expectations.
- The thesis subject and title should be determined through a discussion between supervisor and student, and also by examining the studies in Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK) National Thesis Centre (
- The thesis subject and title should be short, precise, clear, understandable, and different from the other already done theses.
- The thesis title’s Turkish and English versions should be coherent. Translations should be in an academic language, not Google translate.
- The supervisor should guide, lead, and help the student with the background of research for the thesis subject.
- The supervisor should be transparent, consistent, fair, and neutral in practices.
- The supervisor should be a guide and helper to the student in grading, analysing, and interpreting the data gained through research.
- The supervisor is responsible for the quality of the content, discussion, and results of the thesis.
- The supervisor should spare enough time for the student, answer his/her questions or demands constructively, be a pathfinder, contribute to his/her academic and personal development.
- The supervisor should respect the student’s ideas, do empathy, lead up to and expedite student’s personal and academic competency development.
- The supervisor should check the thesis whether it is written according to the Institute's thesis writing rules or not. If not, then should facilitate student to correct the thesis in compliance with the writing rules.
- The supervisor should guide their students to make their learning process easier.
- The supervisor should make students improve their critical-analytical thinking skills.
- The supervisor should make students develop their independent research competence, critical-analytical thinking competence, and help to gain an academic and intellectual perspective.
- The supervisor should be sure that the student has conformed to IZU Thesis and Project Writing Rules in the writing process of the thesis.
- The supervisor should go over the thesis which gets in a defence process through IZU Thesis and Project Writing Rules and scientific ethical principles, and send an e-mail to Graduate Education Institute at least 15 workdays afore from the anticipated defence day for the final draft control and determination of the average plagiarism.
- The supervisor should guide the student about the thesis controlling unit's feedback and if there is, the supervisor should ensure that the requested corrections or plagiarisms are edited by the student.
- The supervisor and student should be extremely careful that the grade point average (GPA) is at least 2.5/4 before entering to thesis defence especially in Graduate (Master).
- After the acceptance of the thesis control unit, the supervisor should be in collaboration with the head of the department, relevant administrative staff, and the student about the official date, place, and jury of the thesis defence.
- The supervisor should be sure that the student corrects the minor post-defence corrections through the approved final draft by the thesis control unit and should do the final controls of the successful thesis in the required legal process for its graduation.
- If there occurs a defence extension, at least 15 workdays afore, the supervisor should resend the thesis to determine the final structural control and the plagiarism ratio with the Graduate Education Institute thesis control unit and after the approval, the supervisor should specify the official defence date.
- In some processes, the student should know her/his condition and should feel that she/he is led by the supervisor and can communicate with him/her easily.
- Before delivering the thesis, the supervisor and the head of the department should approve the thesis by doing their last supervision/should fill the final control form and should submit the form with thesis to the Institute.
- Whether a master or doctorate thesis, the supervisor should facilitate student to read the thesis defence processes on the web site cautiously before delivering theses.